Friday, 7 March 2008

‘Say cheese'

Understanding the community guidelines

Taking photographs can be a very rewarding hobby, indeed lifestyle for some; or simply an opportunity to catch that split second when we are looking our best. However is Yahoo! Answers the best place to share such photographs?

Using photographs and images to create guessing games and opinion seeking is a Yahoo! Answers no-no according to the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines. Do you really need to ask ‘How old do you think I am?’ based on a photograph to a community of strangers? Such questions do nothing more yet promote chatting and ‘point gaming comments’ – and that’s not the Yahoo! Answers way now is it!

As a member of a vast community of ninety one million users, consider

Who will be seeing my image?
What may happen to my photograph?
Will people be able to discover personal details from this photo?

See where I am going with this – who knows what result from sharing one photo could be…

So when is it okay to share that prized pic?

You are welcome to ask for help or details on a technique, or simply how to improve a photo you may have snapped – it’s common sense really. Users can also use Yahoo! 360 to make a custom avatar for Yahoo! Answers as well as to create polls and blogs which is all fine and dandy.

Take note that many users come to Yahoo! Answers… to answer questions funnily enough. Please don’t fuel the fire of chatting and consider using Yahoo! Answers for its intended purpose before asking that ‘all important question’. The plus side is you’ll save points too….!

See more hints on the community guidelines at my second Yahoo! Answers community guidelines blog

Image 'smile #2' by konaboy from Yahoo! Flickr

All the best

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