Sunday, 4 January 2009

Love in a name ?

How do you get those symbols in your Yahoo! Answers nickname ? - Cheers is here to explain all:

"Most users make use of alt codes, which requires a user to hold down the ALT key on a keyboard while typing in a numeric command on the number pad, which is found to the right hand side of the keyboard:

For example in order to type a heart, hold down the ALT key and press the number 3 on the number pad, then release ALT. This should present you with the symbol ( ♥ ).

For laptop users, you may be required to hold down the blue FNC or function key while holding down ALT in order to activate the number pad.

A full list of alt codes can be found using the link below

If you are having problems with creating the symbol, you can also use the site above to copy and paste images in. "

All the best

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