Friday, 6 June 2008

Ready for the next stage ?

What is the fastest way to the next level ?

Wouldn't we all like to know? This is a question that is increasing being asked within the community as more and more people are looking for quicker ways to reach the higher levels.

One question that caught my eye within the community this week was 'How do people find the time to earn 4,000 + points a week?' Well I am no expert, however I'm sure the following concept can be applied.

Reaching the next level - Model for Yahoo! Answers....

As shown above, there are many ways to earn points on Yahoo! Answers, some far more productive than others. If you are looking to increase the number of points you make a week then best answers are the key. Every time you repeat the actions as shown on the left in the above model twice, you would have only earned the same number points as one best answer.

Naturally this excludes a high number of thumbs up on best answers and so forth, however if you are looking for points and best answers, my advise would be:
  • Stick to questions which you are knowledgeable in
  • Answer questions with few answers, reduce the competition
  • Make your answer as concise as possible
  • Appeal to the author of the question by being friendly and polite
  • Use good use of English grammar
Remember to keep answering questions, and try not to ask too many questions. And remember (if applicable) to max out your daily answering and voting limits on unresolved questions.

All the best

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