Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Y! Answers not adding up ?

Been doing great over the last few weeks ? Racking in some best answers ? Well then, you'll have a great best answer percentage to be proud off.

So that's a best answer percentage of 22 % against 77 % - but don't percentages always add to 100 % ?

Not to worry. This in in a way is a small glitch within the system that causes your overall best answer percentage to be rounded down to 99 %, after all having a best answer percentage of 99.638934 % would be a bit excessive :)

If you want some good news, it's rounded up on your avatar roll-out menu, but ssshhhh, I didn't tell you...

All the best

It's the weekly community news

Well it has been a while since we last had one of these

Here is the low-down for last week

Y! Mail - Where are you ?

As many of you have noticed, Yahoo! has opened up some new domains with the introduction of 'Ymail' and 'rocketmail'. Use this opportunity to bag a name that you really want. A few users are still looking into the potential fact that Y! Answers staff could have used this opportunity to alter the current staff mail accounts. At present I have yet to hear any developments on this matter, but you can always use the suggestion forum regardless if you need help from the staff.

Y! 360 image problem - still at large

Some users have issued reports that the glitch concerning the inability to use custom images as avatars in Y! Answers is still present. It is said that users have had to wait around four days before the system 'catch up' and displays the image. Staff have been told, so keep-up-to-date on any developments at the suggestion forum.

Why was that featured ?

The Y! Answers editorial staff have been busy, and have produced a third edition of 'why was that featured' displaying some of the top finds in the community this last month. Did you make the list ?

It's not been the most busy week, but anything could happen. Please note that Chεεrs shall not be within the community from the 27 - 4th (June to July). I can see be reached by e-mail is needed.

All the best

Sunday, 15 June 2008

A featured question from Yahoo! Answers

What one aspect of Yahoo! Answers comes to mind when I say the 'vague' - the community guidelines. However this week, community member Bee asked this fantastic question to help shed the light on a somewhat under discussed topic.

"If someone is repeatedly breaking the community guidelines and you report all of their answers one-by-one, will you overall trust level decline for community moderation?"

Link: View question

There are some good answers to the question that help explain what users should in such an occurrence, but nevertheless, a very helpful and detailed question that helps users make the most out of Yahoo! Answers.

Many thanks Bee

If you would like to see your question featured here in the near future, drop me an email from within yahoo! answers. Provide a link to the question and the question title, and provide a little comment about yourself that you would like to be included.

Disclaimer: Chεεrs can not guarantee the any accuracy within the answers provided for the above question(s) as such content is not controlled by Chεεrs. Content is not scanned for context and Chεεrs ca n not be accountable for any such content that may be deemed unsuitable. Users are expected to be thirteen years of age and above to use Yahoo! Answers.


Hey Guys

I hardly ever make personal entries concerning Chεεrs, however it has come to my attention that a recent threads created with the community has lead me to take action on a few rumors.

(1) Does Chεεrs own any multiple accounts on Yahoo! Answers ?

No. While I may own more than one Yahoo! Mail account, a secondary account is used to access Yahoo! Answers. The following rumour has appeared to be generated after several users have been seen using the signature 'all the best' after their answers.

I have no issues concerning such actions, however please note any such users are acting on their own behalf.

(2) Is Chεεrs part of the July boycott ?

This question was sent to me as an e-mail, however I have no plans to join this cause and I shall still be using Yahoo! Answers as normal.

I do apologise for having to defend myself in this manner

All the best

Friday, 6 June 2008

Ready for the next stage ?

What is the fastest way to the next level ?

Wouldn't we all like to know? This is a question that is increasing being asked within the community as more and more people are looking for quicker ways to reach the higher levels.

One question that caught my eye within the community this week was 'How do people find the time to earn 4,000 + points a week?' Well I am no expert, however I'm sure the following concept can be applied.

Reaching the next level - Model for Yahoo! Answers....

As shown above, there are many ways to earn points on Yahoo! Answers, some far more productive than others. If you are looking to increase the number of points you make a week then best answers are the key. Every time you repeat the actions as shown on the left in the above model twice, you would have only earned the same number points as one best answer.

Naturally this excludes a high number of thumbs up on best answers and so forth, however if you are looking for points and best answers, my advise would be:
  • Stick to questions which you are knowledgeable in
  • Answer questions with few answers, reduce the competition
  • Make your answer as concise as possible
  • Appeal to the author of the question by being friendly and polite
  • Use good use of English grammar
Remember to keep answering questions, and try not to ask too many questions. And remember (if applicable) to max out your daily answering and voting limits on unresolved questions.

All the best

Tuesday, 3 June 2008


Hey it's national Heart Week

As of the 4th of June, Britain shall be raising awareness to heart disease in the form of national heart week. What better opportunity to check out some heart related questions and answers as asked by you, the community, within the biology category of Yahoo! Answers.

Why does the heart work harder when you exercise ? (View question)
Asked by: Jen

How many beats a minute is healthy ? (View question)
Asked by: Bernie C

What is meant by heart mummer ? (View question)
(Hey I'm still open - why not post an answer ?)
Asked by: Pickle

Why not check out the heart disease category and the biology category for more interesting questions on this topic, and help spread the word.

All the best