Monday, 19 May 2008

Is it a bird... is it a plane....

No, but my golly it was speeding down Yahoo! Answers like a bullet.

This week has seen a new Yahoo! Answers record been broken by none other than user Fyre & Reign Races, a frequent user in the Yahoo! Answers and singles and dating category.

The challenge ?

To beat the outstanding shortest time taken to progress from level one to level seven.

Now one would think that thirty nine days was impressive enough, a record previously set by user JMENSAN, but Fyre was determined and by answering questions and gaining a whooping 1662 best answers along the way managed the thrash the title in none other than:

Thirty three days, from April 12th to end on May 15th

A new Yahoo! Answers record.

Is anyone else up the challenge, or will Fyre be back for uphold her records. Stay tuned and watch this space.

Congratulations Fyre & Reign

[ Thanks for the comments guys... ]

The spelling mistake with Fyre's name occurred as a result of my automatic spellchecker on Firefox. Thanks for pointing this out which has since been corrected. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.



Mr. Doggie said...

Her name is Fyre & Reign, not Frye & Reign. A mispelled name. I know her, she's my friend in Yahoo! 360 (I don't use Yahoo! Answers until August 1st.)

-~Mr. Doggie~-

Mr. Doggie said...

Oh wait, the name is wrong, it's written royalejelliez (the former name), but the right one is Mr. Doggie (which I also use in Yahoo! services). Sorry.