Monday, 19 May 2008

Is it a bird... is it a plane....

No, but my golly it was speeding down Yahoo! Answers like a bullet.

This week has seen a new Yahoo! Answers record been broken by none other than user Fyre & Reign Races, a frequent user in the Yahoo! Answers and singles and dating category.

The challenge ?

To beat the outstanding shortest time taken to progress from level one to level seven.

Now one would think that thirty nine days was impressive enough, a record previously set by user JMENSAN, but Fyre was determined and by answering questions and gaining a whooping 1662 best answers along the way managed the thrash the title in none other than:

Thirty three days, from April 12th to end on May 15th

A new Yahoo! Answers record.

Is anyone else up the challenge, or will Fyre be back for uphold her records. Stay tuned and watch this space.

Congratulations Fyre & Reign

[ Thanks for the comments guys... ]

The spelling mistake with Fyre's name occurred as a result of my automatic spellchecker on Firefox. Thanks for pointing this out which has since been corrected. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Saturday, 17 May 2008

Weekly Community News

Extra ! Extra ! Read all about it in Yahoo! Answers news...

This week in the world of Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers UK & Ireland blog

Well the Yahoo! Answers UK team have been busy, and the Yahoo! Answers UK & Ireland blog has finally be unleashed into the community. The blog can be read here, and contains some hints and tips and new product information.

We're number one...

Yahoo! Answers UK & Ireland was awarded the title 'Number one website' by Hitwise, based on the growing community and the quality of content provided by the community. The staff of Yahoo! Answers have posted a small thank you in the team blog.

A double whammy

We have had two officials joining the community this week. Stefan Effenberg asked the community, "Given the pace of the modern game, do we need two referees on the pitch? If so, why ?" The question is still open so why not get your opinions and ideas seen within the community.

Our second question comes from Greg Strause, a Hollywood Director who asked the community, "What could Hollywood do to make it's films even better ?"Does Hollywood even make the best films ? Have your say.

Yahoo! Answers Staff are at it again

Once again Ask Mike has been racking his brain for a good question for the community, and as always he hasn't failed to disappoint. This week Ask Mike asked the community "How do fire hydrants work ?" There isn't a lot of time left to answer the question, however Ask Mike has summarised some of the best answers in the staff blog.

Finally don't miss the Yahoo! Answers staff "Do you like my avatar blog" which is very useful at explaining a commonly misunderstood community guidelines.

That's all for this week

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Where is the report button ?

How does one report an abusive e-mail ?

This question is increasing being asked within the community, and there appears to be some confusion as to how one should go about reporting such harassment to the Yahoo! Answers staff.

Many users are under the impression that you should e-mail or the Yahoo! Answer team. This is a big no-no. The Yahoo! Answers team are unable to take action on such e-mails while the address is used to report targeted attacks from a specific e-mail, and not internal e-mails.

So what should one do ?

Well luckily Yahoo! has released a new mail abuse form that clearly explains which information is required in order to report such e-mails. You can access the mail abuse form here.

Hints and tips
  • Under Yahoo! ID, use the nickname of the Yahoo! Answers account.
  • You should include the full header. Please use the help link for advise on this matter
  • Under additional information, clearly state that the message was sent through Yahoo! Answers, and not Yahoo! Mail. You continue to explain that the user's ID is unknown, however the name provided relates to the user's Yahoo! Answers nickname.
That's all there is too it. Please note that staff do not have to reply to any messages you send them, however by using the correct procedure you can help to remove harassment from the community.

Remember you can also aways block such users within the community. This will not allow them to e-mail you in the future.

All the best

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Yahoo! Avatars issue ?

Hey Guys

This is just a small note that as of Saturday 10th May, a few users have been complaining that their Yahoo! 360 images are not showing within the community. This appears to be a minor error which has been brought to staff attention via the suggestion forum.

All the best

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Got an exam comming up ?

It's that time of the year isn't it...

Many members of the community will have exams in the next three weeks and beyond, and questions concerning exam preparation and stress busting techniques can be seen within the community forum.

Chεεrs would like to extend a big good luck to anyone who may be sitting such exams, and remember you can only do your best on the day, so no worrying once an exam is finished, simply look forward (if this is even possible) to the next exam.

All the best guys

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Please excuse me....

Chεεrs is taking a small break

From Friday 2nd May to Monday 5th Chεεrs shall be taking a small break from the community and shall not be here to answer your questions concerning Yahoo! Answers.

I shall be allowing e-mails during this time which I shall respond to as soon as I return.

All the best

Interesting stars

They look so pretty, but what do they do ?

Stars are used to mark a question as interesting within the community.

While stars have no point value, they are very useful for the following reasons

Every time a user stars your question, it is shared with that user's community contacts and fans. The more people who know about the question, the more answers...

Secondly, any question that is starred is automatically eligible to be selected at random to be placed on the popular list on the Yahoo! Answers homepage. Very popular questions may be reviewed and featured on the homepage scroll bar.

Lastly, stars help you to determine who your fans are, allowing you to select contacts that may share common interests with you. It's also a bit of an ego boost knowing that someone out there may have really liked the question.

All the best